:: Examples

Click on the OPS icon to see examples:

The basic OGSP template

A completed OGSP which defines a strategy for the Cincinnati Zoo

The definitions of A Stragegic Priority vs. an Annual Operating Priority

OGSP® Tool

The OGSP® Tool begins as a one-page template with five sections. 


Your Mission should be a concise and compelling statement of “Why You Exist” as an organization, with an indefinite time horizon.


This sentence describes “What is Winning” for the organization of over a normal 3-year time horizon, typically highlight two tangible outcomes externally and one internal improvement in capability.


These are the quantifiable metrics which track progress on any promises that are made in the Objective statement, as well as any other measures of interest to the broader organization.  Typically includes a base year and then the three planning years.


A Strategy defines “How You Will Win” by allocating your limited financial and people resources to the highest potential areas.  Each Strategy sentence on the OGSP page typically captures some elements of the Where Play and How Win choices we covered in the previous Principles section on this site.  The process limits you to no more than five total strategies to drive greater focus, 4 of which are typically focused externally with the 5th devoted to an area of internal Capability requiring improvement to succeed.  These Strategies cover the chosen 3-year time horizon.


These are the most critical initiatives/projects that will execute your 3-year strategy over a rolling 9-12 month period.  Each Plan must have a single-point accountable Owner and a defined month/year Due Date.  We suggest no more than 3-4 Plans per Strategy at any given time to again drive focus.  Plans should fit our suggested definition of A Strategic Priority vs. an Annual Operating Priority.  Click on the icon to the right to see those distinctions.