Problem A: Framing

Miles' Law states: "Where you stand depends on where you sit." Simply, how you feel about the problems you face is a direct result of your perspective in the world.  Your frame of reference.

The Nobel Economist Daniel Kahneman has stated the "the basic principle of framing is the passive acceptance of the formulation given."  It is our brain's way to conserve energy - thinking about things we know, in ways we know. This often leads to solutions we've tried ... and no success.

Framing makes a big difference in how teams approach Problem A; how they view their problems and how they solve their problems.  Cognitive psychologist George Lakoff uses political language as the example: is it a "tax cut" or better yet "tax relief" - is it an "estate tax" or a "death tax"?  Framing matters.

We force teams out of their "default frame" usually in the Mission or Objective sections of the OGSP process.  It can be a formal lateral thinking exercise, like Edward DeBono's "Six Hats" or simply by restating the Mission in different frames for discussion. Often, the reframing of the Mission and Objective sparks a whole new approach to the business problem and sets the stage for the following Strategy and Plans work.

The discussion of framing is informed by Dr. Keith Stanovich's work on What Intelligence Tests Miss: The Psychology of Rational Thought.